Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success by K.M. Weiland
A how-to-write book discussing various ways to outline a novel. And whether. She uses rather more techniques than I do, but some are useful even for my looser ideas.
This is border-line picture book, because it has a lot of text. The pictures aren't particularly striking, either.
But -- Beauty and Beast transposed to late 19th century New York. A lot of details, the text is used to expand nicely. Curse never gets any sort of veneer of explanation, though.
Dimity Convictions: The American Woman in the Nineteenth Century by Barbara Welter
A collection of essays, ringing changes on the theme of the Cult of True Womanhood, the most influence being the essay on it. Covers such subjects as medical treatment and detective fiction. A bit cherry-picked in sources but the stuff covered did exist.
Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms written by Crystal Frasier and illustrated by Val Wise was super cute. Annie, an intellectual, has to join the cheerleading team to improve her college applications. Her childhood friend Beatrice helps her with that
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